Monday, November 26, 2007

The Membership Team Needs YOUR help.

Why are we asking you to sign that irksome register every time you attend church? It is important. We are establishing a member/friend data base that will allow us to serve our congregants better. We will be able to see if there are those that wish to join the church; we will also be able to tell when a regular attendee is no longer attending. Perhaps they are ill and need our help but are too shy to ask. We can then pass their name along to the Caring committee for contact and help. Maybe they are no longer interested in the church. We can contact them and hopefully they would share the reasons why, and we can improve our services with that knowledge. And there are other reasons, but suffice to say, the Membership Teams Needs Your Help!!!

Oh, and please wear your name tags--it helps visitors and those of us who sometimes need help with names.

The Membership Team is an exciting one that meets every 3rd Wednesday at the church, 5:30. Come join us------