Friday, March 14, 2008

Social Justice-Minded People Person Wanted!

The Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice Renewal is in need of a volunteer -- or more than one volunteer! -- to gather information from neighborhood organizations, businesses, and people in the area immediately around First Church, to help develop partnerships for cooperative provision of community services.

These services will comprise First Church’s part of the programming of The Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice Renewal, a separate organization shared by the GNOUU congregations, which will be governed and managed by representatives of all three area UU churches. Specifically, we are seeking information about community groups that might want to partner with First Church to establish such programs as a community-based health clinic, a teen center, afterschool programs, mental health center, etc. to be housed at First Church (much like our partnership with the N.O. AIDS Task Force to develop the commercial kitchen). Such partnerships strengthen our church's commitment to social justice work and allow GNOUU to seek funds for these efforts (and the building improvements needed) to make them happen.

If you have time to make these phone calls and contacts, and if you are a people-person and enjoy meeting new people, and if you are oriented towards social justice and making New Orleans better, especially our own neighborhood, then please contact Rev. Melanie and/or Claudia Barker.