All of us at FUUNO want to express our gratitude to our newest tenants, the popular toddler and parent exercise and fun group, GymRompers, who are renting the Fellowship Hall on weekdays, for donating the brand-new ceiling in the hallway off the Soniat Street entrance. This was not an area that was high on the congregation's long To-Do list for the building, but it sure makes a positive difference on entering the space. When you see Kim or Julie of GymRompers, please give them a hearty "Thank You" for all the work they've contributed to the church building. (Have you noticed the gorgeous new door to the gym on the Story Street side? Or the new door to the Ladies Room? Those were done by their workers too.)
We also owe thanks to past president Ann Maclaine for her excellent work in negotiating the lease with GymRompers, which includes a lot of improvements, and in getting this donation for us! Ann's skills as a negotiator were crucial to this process, which greatly adds to the church's appearance and attractiveness.
We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with our tenant GymRompers and our new friends Julie and Kim.