Sunday, September 7, 2008
"Ever-Changing Rivers"
Annual Water Ceremony & Ingathering
The Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
In our Ascription, we sing every Sunday of each of us being an "ever-changing river." In our annual ritual of return, we gather waters to symbolize our own regathering. Bring a small amount of water as a symbol of your summer journeys, whether emotional, spiritual, or physical. Our special offering will go to the UUA Knoxville Fund.
Canvass Sunday, September 14, 2008
"Hitting the High Notes -- And All That Jazz!"
The Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
with help from the Canvass Team
Our Canvass theme this year fits our church and our city. New Orleans is growing and so is First Church -- not only in numbers, but also in a spirit of optimism and hope. Our theology of money is that there's not only enough, there's more than enough! We start our annual church fund drive on that high note. Expect lots of good music to celebrate. (Note: This service will also include a Ritual of Dedication & Gratitude for our Sunday School volunteers.)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"The Spirituality of AA"
The Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
with special musical guests Eric Morel-Ensminger & Anais St. John
Many UUs are involved in 12-Step Groups and have noticed a correlation between UU spirituality and the spirituality of AA. We will explore these correspondences in this special service. NOTE: Please contact Rev. Melanie if you have a personal 12-Step story you'd like to share. For this service, Rev. Melanie's spouse-partner Eric, a "friend of Bill W.," will play and sing, and will duet with local chanteuse (and brand-new mom!) Anais St. John. (Anais is a friend of Eric's, but not a friend of Bill's.)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"Straight Parent, Gay Son"
Guest Speaker Charles Suhor
with Worship Associate Gerry Goar
Charles Suhor is a UU author and speaker. Since the death of his son, he has been traveling the country, sharing his experiences, and encouraging UUs to make their congregations and their families more welcoming and accepting of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer folks. (Use this unless Gerry sends something better.) Rev. Melanie is taking a vacation weekend to celebrate her 56th birthday.