Despite being champion of communication, I have fallen down the last couple of months, in terms of regular updates to the congregation about board business. I think that communication in general has improved so much, I’ve stepped back from feeling I have to hold everything together, and managed to drop my portion of the shared load.
Here’s a brief recap of the highlights from the past two months:
At its February meeting, the Congregation approved broad priorities and a proposed three year plan for restoration and rebuilding of our facility as capital campaign funds become available. The focus of Year One will be completing any remaining commercial kitchen projects (already begun) and then focusing upon the sanctuary and adjoining areas. Year Two will focus on both floors of the Flowers wing, including installation of an elevator to the second floor. Year three will involve renovating the Fellowship Hall and adjoining areas, and sealing the outside of the building, We also approved Michael Tucker as Treasurer in place of Janet Spencer, who has become our bookkeeper.
Please respond as generously as possible to requests for help with the campaign. I am responsible for contacting as many alumni of the church as possible. If you are still in touch with someone who was once a member of the congregation, or know how to reach them, please check with me to see if I need that information. Every day I think of someone else, and 100 heads are always better than one!
At the March Board meeting, we adopted a rental policy for the building as it exists now. Adapted from prior policies, it gives the building usage/space allocation team authority to set rental rates, and specifies the types of rentals that are allowed and prohibited. These will be posted on the blog and bulletin boards, and will be available in the policy book in the church office. We also talked at length about short and long term building use possibilities. We need to plan NOW for future usage of the building. It is easier to seek funding for building and programming if we know and are committed to a particular type of program. If you have ideas for this, please share with me or any board member, or, better yet, volunteer to serve on the board of the Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice.
A new board will be elected in May. If you are interested in serving, please contact a board member or Jyaphia Christos-Rodgers of the nominating committee. It’s a great way to be involved and to help our wonderful community.