Tuesday, May 27, 2008

GNOUU Update

Great work and many, many thanks to everyone who is working on FUUNO’s part in the GNOUU campaign! To date, 39 members have pledged and/or donated a total of $85,939.

If you’ve been missed or want to contribute, please contact Rev. Melanie or Alice Kemp. “It’s Not Over Yet.”

Overall, the campaign has pledges and gifts of $728,150. Check our website for the latest updates --- http://www.gnouu.org/

Again GNOUU will be a presence in Fort Lauderdale at General Assemby, June 25 - 29, with brochures, beads, and other goodies.

If any of you are attending, please let Alice Kemp (via the church office, office @firstuuno.org) know. ... We could sure use you to help staff our booth for a couple of hours if you can.

Stay Tuned!
Alice Abel Kemp, GNOUU Administrator

P.S. - Check out the GNOUU ad on the back cover of your issue of UU World (Summer 2008, Vol.XXII No.2).