Rev. Jim Vanderweele has arranged for Leigh Henderson, a UU who is a professional life coach, to facilitate a meeting of worship committees from all three GNOUU churches -- NSUU, FUUNO, and CCUU. This joint meeting will take place at North Shore UU on Sat., Sept. 27 from 10 am to 12 or 1 pm. If there is enough interest, she may also facilitate a meeting on Mon., Sept. 29 at Community Church, where the topic would be community outreach.
Contact Rev. Jim for more information and to indicate your interest in such a meeting. I encourage all church leaders interested in high quality worship and spreading the word about UUism in Greater New Orleans to make plans to attend one or both sessions.
The Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
First UU Church; 2903 Jefferson Ave.New Orleans, LA 70115 ;(504) 866-9010 church office
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